BIRCOcanal® | The Supply Channel

BIRCOcanal® is an economically sound solution for safely laying lines and pipes in production halls, trade fair centres and public buildings, as well as internal and external industrial areas.

BIRCOcanal® | Facts

  • Supply channels: NW 100 – 1000
  • NW 500 with corner pieces and T-piece
  • Construction lengths: 1.0, 2.0 metres
  • Cast-in mounting rails (from NW 200 – upon request)
  • Load class: A 15 – F 900
  • Fitted with solid steel angels for bolting covers or with side plates for laying reinforced concrete covers
  • Also suitable for drainage

BIRCOcanal® | Areas of application

  • Industrial construction (internal and external areas)
  • Production halls
  • Trade fair centres
  • Public buildings

Have you already thought about supplying electric charging points?

Have you already thought about supplying electric charging points?

BIRCOcanal® is quickly and easily accessible when needed. Maintenance and repair, but also the addition of complete pipe runs are possible without further earthworks. And we take care of the drainage at the same time. Contact us and together we will find the perfect supply solution for you.

Download the BIRCOcanal® product information

BIRCOcanal® product information

BIRCOcanal® product information

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